Vice President Jessica Alupo Inaugurates Transformative Hatchery and Irrigation System in Katakwi

In the drought-prone Teso sub-region, where erratic weather patterns have long threatened the livelihoods of small-scale farmers, a new wave of hope has emerged. Vice-President Jessica Alupo recently commissioned a 30-acre irrigation system and a hatchery in Katakwi district, marking a significant step toward building climate resilience and enhancing food security for the region’s residents.

For years, farmers like Jane Achan-a single mother in Kamenu parish, Magoro sub-county, struggled to make ends meet as their crops withered under the relentless drought. “I have always dreamt of cultivating vegetables like tomatoes, onions, and cabbages, but the lack of water made it impossible,” Achan said. Her dream is now within reach, thanks to the newly established irrigation system funded by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the Embassy of Norway.

The Magoro irrigation system is a hydrant network powered by a solar water pumping unit that can deliver 10,000 liters of water per hour across 30 acres. With overhead storage tanks capable of holding 20,000 liters, the system ensures that farmers can grow crops year-round, independent of rainfall. “This facility is a huge relief for us,” said Christopher Ariko, a fellow resident. “We can now farm year-round, something we’ve only dreamt of.”

The initiative is part of FAO’s broader project, which focuses on building climate resilience and improving food and nutrition security among smallholder farmers in Uganda’s cattle corridor and Teso regions. FAO Uganda Country Representative Dr. Antonio Querido emphasized the importance of such systems in combating the increasingly unpredictable weather. “The climate is changing, and farmers need reliable access to water to maintain and expand their production. This system is a scalable model that can be extended to other regions facing similar challenges,” he noted.

In addition to the irrigation system, Alupo also inaugurated a hatchery in Katakwi town council, designed to produce more than 1,000 chicks per month. This hatchery, along with another in Kaberamaido district, forms part of FAO’s Community-Based Breeding Programme (CBBP). The program aims to improve local chicken genetics, making them more resilient and productive. “With these improved genetics, farmers have a better chance of growing their stock and increasing their income,” Querido added.

Alupo, who also serves as the Katakwi District Woman MP, praised the FAO’s efforts and urged the local community to fully utilize these resources. “A chicken here in Teso is a transit route to wealth. From a chicken, you can acquire a goat, and from a goat, a cow. I encourage everyone to embrace these opportunities and expand your ventures,” she said.

The FAO’s irrigation systems are expected to benefit 480 farmers in Katakwi, enabling them to produce high-value crops even during the dry season. Moreover, the revamped Toroma Valley Tank, also commissioned by Alupo, is set to support around 1,500 cattle and 1,000 small ruminants during the critical drought period from December to March.

These initiatives are not just about providing immediate relief; they are about creating sustainable livelihoods and building a resilient agricultural community in Teso. With the support of international partners like the Norwegian government and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), these projects aim to transform the agricultural landscape, helping to break the cycle of poverty and food insecurity that has plagued the region for years.

As Alupo noted during the event, “This is not just about farming; it’s about building a future where our children can thrive, where food security is assured, and where our communities can stand strong against the challenges of climate change.”

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