EAC Heads of State make give new directives as concerns over ceasefire violations in eastern DRC rise

The Heads of State summit of the East African Community has condemned the reported ceasefire violations in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo hence directing the regional forces to tighten the grip on strategic areas.

In the summit held in Bujumbura, Burundi on Wednesday, the Heads of State summit chaired by Burundi President Everiste Ndayishimiye noted that there is growing concern that some of the fighting groups had picked up arms, contrary to the efforts in the EAC-led Nairobi peace process.

The summit was attended by President Ndayishimiye of Burundi who is also the current EAC Chairman; President William Somoei Ruto of Kenya and Dr Philip Mpango the Vice President of Tanzania representing President Samia Suluhu Hassan.  President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda was represented by 1st Deputy Prime Minister Rebecca Kadaga; DRC’s Felix Tshisekedi sent his state minister for regional integration Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi; President Salva Kiir of South Sudan delegated Dr Barnaba Marial Benjami a Minister in the officer of the President, and President Paul Kagame of Rwanda also sent his Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente.

“The Heads of State condemned in the strongest terms the ceasefire violations in eastern DRC and directed the EAC regional force to take measures to stop their recurrence” read part of a joint communique’ distributed by the EAC secretariat.

According to the Communique’ the Heads of State noted that the regional forces cannot take full control of the areas that were dominated by the rebels since all save for South Sudan have deployed fully in the DRC. They asked the DRC to facilitate full deployment of South Sudanese forces.

EAC member states have been deploying troops in eastern DRC in what the regional block feels as the best alternative to stablise the newly admitted member State and be able to facilitate trade to a country that has a potentially wider market. Kenya’s Maj Gen Aphaxard Muthuri Kiugu has taken over as the new force commander of the EAC regional force in DRC, replacing his compatriot Maj Gen Jeff Nyagah who resigned recently citing threats to personal security.

The EAC member states deployed in eastern DRC after the M23 rebels accepted to hold talks with the Kinshasa establishment following months of intense fighting including taking control of some of the territories. There was also tension between DRC and Rwanda with the former accusing the latter of supporting the rebels. Rwanda has consistently denied being involved in the DRC.

The communique’ added that; “the Summit directed the EAC Secretariat to constitute a technical evaluation team by June 15th, composed of an officer at the rank of Brigadier General from each of the partner States to evaluate the implementation of the mandate of the East African regional force and report to the sectoral council on cooperation on defence affairs within 90 days after the extension of the status of forces agreement”

Other directives made by the summit to the regional force are; safeguarding and maintaining the areas vacated by M23 and other armed groups; sustaining the orderly withdrawal of M23 and other armed groups from the remaining occupied areas; protecting civilians and support return of internally displaced persons to areas vacated by the armed groups.

It was also directed that the regional force should work with Chiefs of Defence forces, the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo (MONUSCO) and other stakeholders to visit and verify within three weeks the suitability of Rumagabo camp for pre-cantonment of M23 and other foreign armed groups to be disarmed and repatriated.

The summit which commended President Tshisekedi for his efforts in ensuring stability in the eastern DRC also encouraged the EAC-Led Nairobi process where former Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta is the facilitator hence arguing all the partners to remain committed to this process and earn the commitments on cessation of hostilities during the Nairobi III consultations.

The summit which reaffirmed that the solution to eastern DRC crisis needs a political process and dialogue among all the parties to resolve, applauded facilitator Kenyatta for his leadership, and therefore, agreed to establish a civilian head of Mission to coordinate all political related matters of the East African regional force.

Other key points

While in Bujumbura the Heads of States and other representatives also discussed issues relating to the deployment of personnel to the East African Court of Justice (EACJ). The Arusha based Court whose Justices are also deployed from all the member states had got vacant positions either due to expiry of terms of office for some of the office bearer or to accommodate secondments from new entrants, DRC.

With the tenure of Lady Justice Sauda Mjasiri in the appellate division of the EACJ and also as its Vice President coming to an end on June 19, the Summit designated Lady Justice Anita Mugeni from Rwanda as Vice President of EACJ with effect from June 20.

Also appointed are; Justice Omar Othman Makungu from Tanzania who will serve in the EACJ Appellant division; and, Justice Kayembe Kasanda Ignace Rene from DRC who takes up a seat on the EACJ bench.

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